
react-admin ≥ 4.5.1

Display event lists and audit logs, keep track of user actions, and get an overview of the activity of your admin.


Test it live in the Enterprise Edition Storybook.


This module introduces 3 new components:

  • <Timeline> shows a list of all recent changes in the admin. It's a great component for dashboards.
  • <RecordTimeline> shows a list of all recent changes for a given record, usually embedded in a <Show> or <Edit> view.
  • <EventList> is a ready-to-use List component for navigating in your admin history, complete with filters and pagination.

It exposes one new hook:

ra-audit-log also provides a data provider helper called addEventsForMutations to create events client-side, in case you don't do it on the server side.



npm install --save @react-admin/ra-audit-log
# or
yarn add @react-admin/ra-audit-log

Tip: ra-audit-log is part of the React-Admin Enterprise Edition, and hosted in a private npm registry. You need to subscribe to one of the Enterprise Edition plans to access this package.

Event Format

This package expects you to store and expose one "event" for each change triggered by a user action.

Event records must contain the following properties:

  • id
  • date
  • author
  • resource
  • action

Here is a typical event:

  date: '2020-09-08 15:01:00',
  author: {
    id: 567,
    fullName: 'John Doe',
    avatar: 'https://myavatar.com',
  resource: 'posts',
  action: 'create',
  payload: { title: 'foo', body: 'bar' }

We recommend that you create event logs server-side, i.e. add a new event record each time a user performs a mutation (create, update, delete, updateMany, deleteMany). Typically, you can achieve this using a proxy server, a database trigger, or a middleware in your API server. Then, it's your responsibility to expose an API for these events and to update your dataProvider so that it can access events like any other resource.

Client-Side Tracking

You can choose to let ra-audit-log create events for you. In this case, each mutation performed by a user will trigger a call to dataProvider.create('events', [event details]). We call this feature client-side tracking.

To enable client-side tracking, build a new dataProvider by calling the addEventsForMutations helper function with your original dataProvider and your authProvider:

import { addEventsForMutations } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';
import simpleRestProvider from 'ra-data-simple-rest';
import authProvider from './authProvider';

const dataProvider = addEventsForMutations(
import { addEventsForMutations } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";
import simpleRestProvider from "ra-data-simple-rest";
import authProvider from "./authProvider";

const dataProvider = addEventsForMutations(simpleRestProvider("http://path.to.my.api/"), authProvider);

Your authProvider must have a getIdentity method, which returns an object containing the id, the fullName and optionally the avatar (an image URL) for the current logged user:

const authProvider = {
    // login: () => {},
    // logout: () => {},
    // ...,
    getIdentity: () =>
            id: 567,
            fullName: 'John Doe',
            avatar: 'https://myavatar.com',
const authProvider = {
    // login: () => {},
    // logout: () => {},
    // ...,
    getIdentity: () =>
            id: 567,
            fullName: "John Doe",
            avatar: "https://myavatar.com",

When enabled, after each successful mutation, the client-side tracking wrapper adds a new event. For instance:

// when your app calls
dataProvider.update('orders', {
    id: 123,
    data: { status: 'delivered' },
    previousData: { id: 123, status: 'received' },
// the wrapper calls
dataProvider.create('events', {
    date: '2020-09-08 15:01:00',
    author: {
        id: 567,
        fullName: 'John Doe',
        avatar: 'https://myavatar.com',
    resource: 'orders',
    action: 'update',
    payload: {
        id: 123,
        data: { status: 'delivered' },
        previousData: { id: 123, status: 'received' },
// when your app calls
dataProvider.update("orders", {
    id: 123,
    data: { status: "delivered" },
    previousData: { id: 123, status: "received" },
// the wrapper calls
dataProvider.create("events", {
    date: "2020-09-08 15:01:00",
    author: {
        id: 567,
        fullName: "John Doe",
        avatar: "https://myavatar.com",
    resource: "orders",
    action: "update",
    payload: {
        id: 123,
        data: { status: "delivered" },
        previousData: { id: 123, status: "received" },

The addEventsForMutations function accepts the following options:

  • name: the name of the event logs resource (defaults to events)
import { addEventsForMutations } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';
import simpleRestProvider from 'ra-data-simple-rest';
import authProvider from './authProvider';

const dataProvider = addEventsForMutations(
    { name: 'events' }
import { addEventsForMutations } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";
import simpleRestProvider from "ra-data-simple-rest";
import authProvider from "./authProvider";

const dataProvider = addEventsForMutations(simpleRestProvider("http://path.to.my.api/"), authProvider, {
    name: "events",
  • resources: the resources and mutations you want to track with events. It can be an array of resource names or an array of arrays defining both the resource and the dataProvider calls to track
import { addEventsForMutations } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';
import simpleRestProvider from 'ra-data-simple-rest';
import authProvider from './authProvider';

const dataProvider = addEventsForMutations(
        resources: [
            // create an event for all known mutations on posts
            // create an event only for create and update on comments, but not for delete, deleteMany or updateMany
            ['comments', ['create', 'update']],
import { addEventsForMutations } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";
import simpleRestProvider from "ra-data-simple-rest";
import authProvider from "./authProvider";

const dataProvider = addEventsForMutations(simpleRestProvider("http://path.to.my.api/"), authProvider, {
    resources: [
        // create an event for all known mutations on posts
        // create an event only for create and update on comments, but not for delete, deleteMany or updateMany
        ["comments", ["create", "update"]],
  • shouldAudit: as an alternative to resources, you can specify a function which, given a dataProvider method name (create, update, etc.) and the arguments it was called with, should return true to create an event. This allows to target custom dataProvider methods:
import { addEventsForMutations } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';
import simpleRestProvider from 'ra-data-simple-rest';
import authProvider from './authProvider';

const dataProvider = addEventsForMutations(
        shouldAudit: (action, ...args) => {
            if (action === 'myCustomMethod') {
                return true;
import { addEventsForMutations } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";
import simpleRestProvider from "ra-data-simple-rest";
import authProvider from "./authProvider";

const dataProvider = addEventsForMutations(simpleRestProvider("http://path.to.my.api/"), authProvider, {
    shouldAudit: (action, ...args) => {
        if (action === "myCustomMethod") {
            return true;


In order to have correct labels on the <Timeline> and <EventList> components, you have to set up the internationalization with the provided translations or your own. Check out the Internationalization section below for detailed steps.


Timeline component

The <Timeline> component displays a list of events, the most recent first, grouped by day. It's the ideal component for checking the recent activity of an admin.

It accepts the following props:

  • records: An array of events
  • isLoading: Optional. Boolean, indicating whether the data is loading for the first time.
  • children: Optional. Component rendered for each group of audit logs.
  • groupLogs: Optional. A function called with the audit logs and the locale. Must return groups.
  • skeleton: Optional. The element to display while isLoading is true.

Basic Usage

It's your responsibility to get the events from the dataProvider and pass them to <Timeline>.

import { useGetList } from 'react-admin';
import { Timeline } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

const Dashboard = () => {
    const { data, isLoading } = useGetList(
        { page: 1, perPage: 25 },
        { field: 'date', order: 'desc' }

    return <Timeline isLoading={isLoading} records={data} />;
import { useGetList } from "react-admin";
import { Timeline } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

const Dashboard = () => {
    const { data, isLoading } = useGetList("events", { page: 1, perPage: 25 }, { field: "date", order: "desc" });

    return <Timeline isLoading={isLoading} records={data} />;

Custom Group Component

By default, <Timeline> uses the <TimelineGroup> component to render each group. You can use your own component instead by passing it as the <Timeline> child. In this component, use the useTimelineGroup hook to grab the group information.

import { useGetList } from 'react-admin';
import { Timeline, useTimelineGroup } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

const Dashboard = () => {
    const { data, isLoading } = useGetList(
        { page: 1, perPage: 25 },
        { field: 'date', order: 'desc' }

    return (
        <Timeline isLoading={isLoading} records={data}>
            <MyTimelineGroup />

const MyTimelineGroup = () => {
    const { label, records } = useTimelineGroup();
    return (
                {records.map(record => (
import { useGetList } from "react-admin";
import { Timeline, useTimelineGroup } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

const Dashboard = () => {
    const { data, isLoading } = useGetList("audit-logs", { page: 1, perPage: 25 }, { field: "date", order: "desc" });

    return (
        <Timeline isLoading={isLoading} records={data}>
            <MyTimelineGroup />

const MyTimelineGroup = () => {
    const { label, records } = useTimelineGroup();
    return (
                {records.map((record) => (

Custom Item Component

<TimelineGroup> renders each event using the <TimelineItem> component. You can replace it with your own component instead, by passing it as a child to <TimelineGroup>. Use the useRecordContext hook to grab the event record.

import { useGetList, useRecordContext } from 'react-admin';
import {
} from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

const Dashboard = () => {
    const { data, isLoading } = useGetList(
        { page: 1, perPage: 25 },
        { field: 'date', order: 'desc' }

    return (
        <Timeline isLoading={isLoading} records={data}>
            <MyTimelineGroup />

const MyTimelineGroup = () => {
    return (
            <MyTimelineItem />

const MyTimelineItem = (props: TimelineItemProps) => {
    const record = useRecordContext(props.record);

    return (
                secondary={<AuditLogLabel />}
import { useGetList, useRecordContext } from "react-admin";
import { AuditLogLabel, Timeline, TimelineGroup } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

const Dashboard = () => {
    const { data, isLoading } = useGetList("audit-logs", { page: 1, perPage: 25 }, { field: "date", order: "desc" });

    return (
        <Timeline isLoading={isLoading} records={data}>
            <MyTimelineGroup />

const MyTimelineGroup = () => {
    return (
            <MyTimelineItem />

const MyTimelineItem = (props) => {
    const record = useRecordContext(props.record);

    return (
            <ListItemText primary={record.author.fullName} secondary={<AuditLogLabel />} />

Custom skeleton

You may want to display more items in the skeleton while data is loading.

import { useGetList } from 'react-admin';
import { Timeline, TimelineSkeleton } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

const Dashboard = () => {
    const { data, isLoading } = useGetList(
        { page: 1, perPage: 25 },
        { field: 'date', order: 'desc' }

    return (
            skeleton={<TimelineSkeleton length={50} />}
import { useGetList } from "react-admin";
import { Timeline, TimelineSkeleton } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

const Dashboard = () => {
    const { data, isLoading } = useGetList("events", { page: 1, perPage: 25 }, { field: "date", order: "desc" });

    return <Timeline isLoading={isLoading} records={data} skeleton={<TimelineSkeleton length={50} />} />;


RecordTimeline component

The <RecordTimeline> component is a specialized version of the <Timeline>. It accepts the same props except records and isLoading. It will fetch the event related to the current record. This record can be either the one from the current RecordContext (set by react-admin components) or the one specified using the record prop.

It accepts the following props:

  • record: Optional. The record for which to fetch the events
  • resource: Optional. The resource.
  • eventResource: Optional. The resource for the events.
  • children: Optional. Component rendered for each group of audit logs.
  • groupLogs: Optional. A function called with the audit logs and the locale. Must return groups.
  • skeleton: Optional. The element to display while isLoading is true.


You can use the <RecordTimeline> as an aside for an <Edit> view:

import { Edit, EditProps, SimpleForm, TextField } from 'react-admin';
import { RecordTimeline } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

const ProductEdit = (props: EditProps) => {
    return (
        <Edit {...props} aside={<RecordTimeline />}>
                <TextField source="name" />
import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextField } from "react-admin";
import { RecordTimeline } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

const ProductEdit = (props) => {
    return (
        <Edit {...props} aside={<RecordTimeline />}>
                <TextField source="name" />


This hook can be used to fetch events related to a record. It accepts the following options:

  • record: Optional. The record for which to fetch the events. Will be inferred from the RecordContext if not provided
  • resource: Optional. The resource of the record. Will be inferred from the ResourceContext if not provided
  • eventResource: Optional. The resource for the events. Defaults to events
  • page: Optional. The page of events to fetch. Defaults to 1
  • perPage: Optional. The number of events to fetch. Defaults to 25
  • sort: Optional. The field used to sort the events. Defaults to date
  • order: Optional. The order into which to sort the events. Defaults to DESC

It returns the same object as the useGetListhook, containing the following properties:

  • data: An array of records
  • isLoading: A boolean indicating whether the list is currently loading
  • error: An object containing an error when one occurs


The <EventList> component is a full-featured List component for events, pre-configured with a Datagrid and a filter sidebar.

event-list screencast

Basic Usage

Use the <EventList> component as the list prop of the events <Resource>:

// In App.js
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { EventList } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

export const App = () => (
        <Resource name="events" list={EventList} />
// In App.js
import { Admin, Resource } from "react-admin";
import { EventList } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

export const App = () => (
        <Resource name="events" list={EventList} />

In addition to the usual List props, <EventList> accepts the following props:

  • eventResource: The name of the events resource. Defaults to events.
  • authorResource: You can optionally provide the resource name for the authors of the events. ra-audit-log will use it to create links to authors.
  • dateFilters: A map of date filters to replace the default ones.

Events Resource

<EventList> allows users to filter events by resource, exluding the events resource itself. By default, it excludes the events resource. If you used a different resource name for events, use the eventResource prop to change it:

// In App.js
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { MyEventList } from './evenList';

export const App = () => (
        <Resource name="audit-logs" list={MyEventList} />

// in ./eventList.js
import { ListProps } from 'react-admin';
import { EventList } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

export const MyEventList = (props: ListProps) => (
    <EventList eventResource="audit-logs" />
// In App.js
import { Admin, Resource } from "react-admin";
import { MyEventList } from "./evenList";

export const App = () => (
        <Resource name="audit-logs" list={MyEventList} />
import { EventList } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

export const MyEventList = (props) => <EventList eventResource="audit-logs" />;

Authors Resource

You can provide a resource name for the authors of the events. <EventList> uses it to render links to each author in the list, and an AutocompleteArrayInput to filter them.

Without authors resource: event list without authors resource

With authors resource: event list with authors resource

Use the authorResource prop to set the author resource in the <EventList>:

// In App.js
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { MyEventList } from './evenList';

export const App = () => (
        <Resource name="events" list={MyEventList} />

// In ./eventList.js
import { ListProps } from 'react-admin';
import { EventList } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

export const MyEventList = (props: ListProps) => (
    <EventList authorResource="users" />
// In App.js
import { Admin, Resource } from "react-admin";
import { MyEventList } from "./evenList";

export const App = () => (
        <Resource name="events" list={MyEventList} />
import { EventList } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

export const MyEventList = (props) => <EventList authorResource="users" />;

Date Filters

By default, @react-admin/ra-audit-log provides filters for the following date ranges:

  • Today
  • Last week
  • Last month
  • Last quarter

You can provide your own set of date filters by using the dateFilters prop:

// In App.js
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { MyEventList } from './evenList';

export const App = () => (
        <Resource name="events" list={MyEventList} />

// In ./eventList.js
import { ListProps } from 'react-admin';
import { DefaultDateFilters, EventList } from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

const dateFilters = {
    'This Year': () => startOfYear(new Date()).toISOString(),

export const MyEventList = (props: ListProps) => (
    <EventList dateFilters={dateFilters} />
// In App.js
import { Admin, Resource } from "react-admin";
import { MyEventList } from "./evenList";

export const App = () => (
        <Resource name="events" list={MyEventList} />
import { DefaultDateFilters, EventList } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

const dateFilters = {
    "This Year": () => startOfYear(new Date()).toISOString(),

export const MyEventList = (props) => <EventList dateFilters={dateFilters} />;


ra-audit-log provides translations for English (raAuditLogLanguageEnglish) and French (raAuditLogLanguageFrench).

The interface in English looks like this: english interface

The interface in French looks like this: french interface

You should merge these translations with the other interface messages before passing them to your i18nProvider:

import { mergeTranslations } from 'react-admin';
import polyglotI18nProvider from 'ra-i18n-polyglot';
import englishMessages from 'ra-language-english';
import frenchMessages from 'ra-language-french';
import {
} from '@react-admin/ra-audit-log';

const i18nProvider = polyglotI18nProvider(locale =>
    locale === 'en'
        ? mergeTranslations(englishMessages, raAuditLogLanguageEnglish)
        : mergeTranslations(frenchMessages, raAuditLogLanguageFrench)
import { mergeTranslations } from "react-admin";
import polyglotI18nProvider from "ra-i18n-polyglot";
import englishMessages from "ra-language-english";
import frenchMessages from "ra-language-french";
import { raAuditLogLanguageEnglish, raAuditLogLanguageFrench } from "@react-admin/ra-audit-log";

const i18nProvider = polyglotI18nProvider((locale) =>
    locale === "en"
        ? mergeTranslations(englishMessages, raAuditLogLanguageEnglish)
        : mergeTranslations(frenchMessages, raAuditLogLanguageFrench)

The event field names are translatable. ra-audit-log uses the react-admin resource and field name translation system. This is an example of an English translation file:

// in i18n/en.js

export default {
    resources: {
        events: {
            name: 'Log |||| Log',
            fields: {
                date: 'Date',
                author: 'Author',
                resource: 'Resource',
                action: 'Action',
// in i18n/en.js

export default {
    resources: {
        events: {
            name: "Log |||| Log",
            fields: {
                date: "Date",
                author: "Author",
                resource: "Resource",
                action: "Action",

ra-audit-log also supports internationalization for the textual representation of the event action.

If available, ra-audit-log uses the translation with the key ra-audit-log.event.[resource].[action], where resource and action are replaced with the actual resource and action names. For example: ra-audit-log.event.posts.create.

If not available, it will fall back to the following translation key: ra-audit-log.event.[action], where action is replaced with the actual action name. For example: ra-audit-log.event.create.

In all cases, the following variables are available for interpolation in the translated string:

  • name: the name of the record targeted by the action if available. It will be the first available property on the record in this list: name, label, title, reference, or id.
  • resource: the name of the event resource
  • ids: the list of the record identifiers if the action was targeting many (deleteMany, updateMany for example).
  • all_fields: the complete list of the fields which were modified in an update action.
  • fields: the list of the fields which were modified in an update action. Limited to a maximum of two. To be used with the smart_count variable.
  • smart_count: The number of updated fields in addition of the two available in the field variable. This allows to display messages like: Update field Name, Category and 5 others.

Building Blocks

Would you want to create your own <EventList> component, we provide some building blocks you might reuse:

  • <EventListFilter>: A component to pass to the list filter prop. It includes the author, date, and resource filters.

  • <AuthorInput>: An input used to filter events by authors. It's a basic TextInput unless the authorResource prop is provided. In this case, it's a <ReferenceArrayInput> with an <AutocompleteArrayInput>.

  • <EventDateInput>: An input used to filter events by date. It provides the default date filters presented before. It accepts a dateFilters prop similar to the <EventList>.

  • <ResourceInput>: An input used to filter events by resource. It's an <AutocompleteArrayInput> which lists all the resources declared in the <Admin> component but the events.

  • <EventFilterList>: A component to pass to the list aside prop. It includes the author, date, and resource filters presented as a sidebar.

  • <AuthorFilterList>: A filter sidebar part used to filter events by authors. It's a basic TextInput unless the authorResource prop is provided. In this case, it's a <ReferenceArrayInput> with an <AutocompleteArrayInput>.

  • <EventFilterList>: A filter sidebar part used to filter events by date. It provides the default date filters presented before and displayed as filter list items. It accepts a dateFilters prop similar to the <EventList>.

  • <ResourceFilterList>: A filter sidebar part used to filter events by resource. It's an <AutocompleteArrayInput> which lists all the resources declared in the Admin component but the events.

  • <ActionField>: A react-admin field that displays a formated text for the event action.

  • <AuthorField>: A react-admin field that displays the event authors. If the authorResource prop is provided, it uses a <ReferenceField> and will show a link to the author.

  • <AvatarField>: A react-admin field that displays the author avatar with a fallback to a material-ui icon.

  • <ResourceField>: A react-admin field that displays the event resource. The resource name is translated like in react-admin. It will use the resource label option if available.




  • (fix) Fix <EventList> props type to make children optional.



  • (fix) Fix useRecordEvents raises an error if called with no parameter



  • (fix) Fix RecordTimeline does not accept custom children
  • (doc) Fix type of author field in events



  • (fix) Update peer dependencies ranges (support React 18)



  • Upgrade to react-admin v4

Breaking Changes

The <Timeline loaded> prop has been renamed to <Timeline isLoading>. Same for the <RecordTimeline> component.

-<Timeline loaded={false} records={records} />
+<Timeline isLoading records={records} />

-<Timeline loaded records={records} />
+<Timeline records={records} />



  • (fix) EventList no longer fails on delete events.



  • (fix) updateMany and deleteMany now create an event log for each targeted record with the singular related action, respectively update and delete.



  • (feat) Export <EventDatagrid> and EventListProps to allow easier custom EventList



  • (fix) Fix TimelineItem might trigger an error on logout



  • (feat) updateMany and deleteMany now create an event log for each targeted record



  • (fix) Update peer dependencies ranges (support react 17)



  • (feat) <Timeline> now has a skeleton prop which accept an element, allowing you to customize the skeleton UI displayed while loading.
  • (feat) <RecordTimeline> now takes less space and draw less attention.
  • (feat) <RecordTimeline> now displays the names of the fields which were updated for any update event record.



  • (fix) Add missing date-fns dependency



  • (fix) Make Resource and Event Inputs Resettable



  • (feat) Introduce <RecordTimeline> component
  • (feat) Introduce useRecordEvents hook

Breaking Change:

  • (feat) Refactor useEventLabel to accept a variant prop instead of the inline prop
-useEventLabel({ inline: true })
+useEventLabel({ variant: 'inline' })



  • (fix) Fix ra-audit-log published without built files



  • (fix) Add a better screencast to showcase the package



  • (fix) Fix Filters in Sidebar erase existing filters
  • (fix) Fix Filters in Sidebar initial values
  • (fix) Fix Filters in Sidebar display



  • First release