ra-markdown: Markdown Utilities For React-Admin

react-admin ≥ 5.0.2

For applications that need to display and edit Markdown content, this package offers two components:

  • <MarkdownField>: Display formatted markdown, using material-ui styles
  • <MarkdownInput>: Edit a Markdown field, using a WYSIWYG editor supporting preview

Test it live on the Enterprise Edition Storybook, and in the e-commerce demo.


npm install --save @react-admin/ra-markdown
# or
yarn add @react-admin/ra-markdown

Tip: ra-markdown is part of the React-Admin Enterprise Edition, and hosted in a private npm registry. You need to subscribe to one of the Enterprise Edition plans to access this package.

CVE-2025-26791 ADVISORY

The version of dompurify used by @toastui/editor is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack (see Github security advisory GHSA-vhxf-7vqr-mrjg). This vulnerability has been fixed in dompurify version 3.2.4. To address this vulnerability, you should use npm's override or yarn's resolutions feature to force the installation of a fixed version of dompurify in your project.

Example for npm:

    "overrides": {
        "dompurify": "^3.2.4"

Example for yarn:

    "resolutions": {
        "dompurify": "^3.2.4"


A Field component for Markdown content. To be used e.g. in Show views.

<MarkdownField> preview

import { Show, SimpleShowLayout, TextField } from 'react-admin';
import { MarkdownField } from '@react-admin/ra-markdown';

const PostShow = () => (
            <TextField source="title" />
            <MarkdownField source="description" />
import { Show, SimpleShowLayout, TextField } from "react-admin";
import { MarkdownField } from "@react-admin/ra-markdown";

const PostShow = () => (
            <TextField source="title" />
            <MarkdownField source="description" />

Tip: If you want to display raw (unformatted) markdown, use <TextField component="pre"> instead:

import { Show, SimpleShowLayout, TextField } from 'react-admin';

const PostShow = () => (
            <TextField source="title" />
            <TextField source="description" component="pre" />
import { Show, SimpleShowLayout, TextField } from "react-admin";

const PostShow = () => (
            <TextField source="title" />
            <TextField source="description" component="pre" />


An Input component for Markdown content, based on the tui-editor package. To be used in Edit and Create views.


import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
import { MarkdownInput } from '@react-admin/ra-markdown';

const PostEdit = () => (
            <TextInput source="title" />
            <MarkdownInput source="description" />
import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from "react-admin";
import { MarkdownInput } from "@react-admin/ra-markdown";

const PostEdit = () => (
            <TextInput source="title" />
            <MarkdownInput source="description" />

You can customize the markdown renderer used for the preview, so that it matches the rendering you need in read mode just by applying the CSS rules you want.

import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
import { MarkdownInput, MarkdownInputProps } from '@react-admin/ra-markdown';

// Additional props are passed to `tui-editor`'s `<Editor>` component
const options: Partial<MarkdownInputProps> = {
    previewStyle: 'tab',
    height: '300px',
    initialEditType: 'markdown',
    useCommandShortcut: false,

const PostEdit = () => (
            <TextInput source="title" />
            <MarkdownInput source="description" {...options} />
import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from "react-admin";
import { MarkdownInput } from "@react-admin/ra-markdown";

// Additional props are passed to `tui-editor`'s `<Editor>` component
const options = {
    previewStyle: "tab",
    height: "300px",
    initialEditType: "markdown",
    useCommandShortcut: false,

const PostEdit = () => (
            <TextInput source="title" />
            <MarkdownInput source="description" {...options} />


<MarkdownInput> accepts the following props:

Prop Required Type Default Description
source Required string The field name in the record
fullWidth Optional boolean true If true, the input will expand to fill the form width
height Optional string 512px Markdown editor's height
helperText Optional string The helper text to display under the input
initialEditType Optional string wysiwyg Markdown editor's initial edit type. Can be markdown or wysiwyg
label Optional string The label. If not set, the label is inferred from the child component
previewStyle Optional string vertical Markdown editor's preview style. Can be tab or vertical
toolbarItems Optional array The toolbar items to display in the editor. See Adding Buttons for more details.
useCommandShortcut Optional boolean true Whether use keyboard shortcuts to perform commands

<MarkdownInput> also accepts the common input props and the editor props from the Toast UI editor.


You can make the markdown editor full width by setting the fullWidth prop to true:

    <MarkdownInput source="description" fullwidth />


The editor has a size that can be customized by setting the height prop. It is set to 512px by default. You can use px or % units.

    <MarkdownInput source="description" height="300px" />


If you need to display a text below the markdown editor (usually to explain the expected data to the user), use the helperText prop.

        helperText="Enter a description of the post"


This prop allows to set the initial edit type of the editor. It accepts markdown or wysiwyg and is set to wysiwyg by default.

    <MarkdownInput source="description" initialEditType="markdown" />


You can customize the label by setting the label prop. It is inferred from the source prop by default.

    <MarkdownInput source="description" label="Explanation" />


You can customize the preview style by setting the previewStyle prop. It accepts tab or vertical and is set to vertical by default.

  • With the vertical style, the content and the preview will be displayed side by side.
  • With the tab style, the content and the preview will be displayed in two separate tabs. Users can switch between the two tabs by clicking on the tab header.
    <MarkdownInput source="description" previewStyle="tab" />


Specifies the field of the record that the input should edit. It is required.

<Form record={{ id: 123, title: 'Hello, world!', body: '**Lorem Ipsum**' }}>
    <MarkdownInput source="body" />
    {/* default value is "**Lorem Ipsum**" */}


You can disable the keyboard shortcuts by setting the useCommandShortcut prop to false. It is set to true by default.

    <MarkdownInput source="description" useCommandShortcut={false} />

Adding Buttons

You can add your own buttons to the markdown editor by using the toolbarItems prop. It accepts an array of toolbar items and is set to null by default.

The following example shows a custom button in the toolbar that displays an alert when clicked. It uses the createLastButton function to create an HTML button element, and the toolbarItems prop to pass it to the toolbar.

// src/Example.tsx
import { Edit, SimpleForm } from 'react-admin';
import { MarkdownInput } from '@react-admin/ra-markdown';

function createLastButton(): HTMLButtonElement {
    const button = document.createElement('button');
    button.className = 'toastui-editor-toolbar-icons last';
    button.style.backgroundImage = 'none';
    button.style.margin = '0';
    button.style.width = '100%';
    button.innerHTML = `<i>Custom Button</i>`;
    button.addEventListener('click', () => {
        alert('Custom Button action');

    return button;

const Example = () => (
                    ['heading', 'bold', 'italic', 'strike'],
                            el: createLastButton(),
                            tooltip: 'Custom Command',
                            name: 'custom',
// src/Example.tsx
import { Edit, SimpleForm } from "react-admin";
import { MarkdownInput } from "@react-admin/ra-markdown";

function createLastButton() {
    const button = document.createElement("button");
    button.className = "toastui-editor-toolbar-icons last";
    button.style.backgroundImage = "none";
    button.style.margin = "0";
    button.style.width = "100%";
    button.innerHTML = `<i>Custom Button</i>`;
    button.addEventListener("click", () => {
        alert("Custom Button action");

    return button;

const Example = () => (
                    ["heading", "bold", "italic", "strike"],
                            el: createLastButton(),
                            tooltip: "Custom Command",
                            name: "custom",

Refer to the tui-editor documentation for the details about the editor configuration.

Accessing The Editor Instance

If you need to interact with the editor instance, you can access it by using a ref prop.

The following example shows how to access the editor instance and call the getMarkdown method to display the markdown content.

import { useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { Button, Edit, SimpleForm } from 'react-admin';
import { Alert } from '@mui/material';
import { Editor, MarkdownInput } from '@react-admin/ra-markdown';

export const PostEdit = () => {
    const editorRef = useRef<Editor>(null);
    const [md, setMd] = useState(null);
    const onClickGetMarkdownButton = () => {
        const instance = editorRef.current.getInstance();
    return (
                    defaultValue={'**Hello world**'}
                    label="Get markdown value"
                {md && <Alert severity="success">Markdown result: {md}</Alert>}
import { useRef, useState } from "react";
import { Button, Edit, SimpleForm } from "react-admin";
import { Alert } from "@mui/material";
import { MarkdownInput } from "@react-admin/ra-markdown";

export const PostEdit = () => {
    const editorRef = useRef(null);
    const [md, setMd] = useState(null);
    const onClickGetMarkdownButton = () => {
        const instance = editorRef.current.getInstance();
    return (
                <MarkdownInput label="Body" source="body" ref={editorRef} defaultValue={"**Hello world**"} />
                <Button label="Get markdown value" onClick={onClickGetMarkdownButton} />
                {md && <Alert severity="success">Markdown result: {md}</Alert>}

Refer to the tui-editor documentation for the details about the editor methods.




  • Upgrade to react-admin v5
  • [TypeScript]: Enable strictNullChecks



  • Upgraded to react-admin 4.10.6



  • (feat) Add dark mode support to MarkdownInput
  • (fix) Fix MarkdownInput should support label={false}
  • (doc) Fix MarkdownInput custom Editor options example



  • (fix) Fix usage with React 18



  • (fix) Fix MarkdownInput does not apply value when it has changed from outside the input



  • (fix) Fix emotion warning about potentially unsafe CSS pseudo class ":first-child" when doing SSR



  • (fix) Fix compatibility with Next.JS (toastui's css is now embedded in ra-markdown rather than requiring a global css import)





  • (fix) Update peer dependencies ranges (support React 18)



  • Upgrade to react-admin v4
  • Upgraded toast-ui/react-editor to v3

Breaking Changes

toast-ui/react-editor is now using ProseMirror. If you customized the editor or the viewer with plugins, you should follow their upgrade guide.

It also means we had to drop the default support for syntax highlighting. Indeed, the new toast-ui/react-editor requires to add a plugin for that (code-syntax-highlight) and to specify the languages to support.

import { Edit, EditProps, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
import { MarkdownInput } from '@react-admin/ra-markdown';
+import codeSyntaxHighlight from '@toast-ui/editor-plugin-code-syntax-highlight';
+import 'prismjs/themes/prism.css';
+import '@toast-ui/editor-plugin-code-syntax-highlight/dist/toastui-editor-plugin-code-syntax-highlight.css';
+import Prism from 'prismjs';
+import 'prismjs/components/prism-jsx.js';

+ const options = {
+    plugins: [codeSyntaxHighlight]
+ };

const PostEdit = (props: EditProps) => (
    <Edit {...props}>
            <TextInput source="title" />
+                options={options}



  • (fix) MarkdownField can't process nested source



  • (fix) Update peer dependencies ranges (support react 17)



  • Add support for helperText and validation to <MarkdownInput>
  • Export the props interfaces of both <MarkdownInput> and <MarkdownField>



  • Upgrade to react-admin 3.15
  • (feat) Ensure MarkdownField styles are customizable through MUI theme by providing their key (RaMarkdownField).



  • Upgrade to react-admin 3.9



  • Update Readme



  • (deps) Upgrade dependencies



  • (fix) Fix fullWidth support



  • First release